Raw Honey Avocado Sourdough Sandwich

Raw Honey Avocado Sourdough Sandwich

Raw Honey Avocado Sourdough Sandwich

This idea for a light, healthy and nurturing sandwich came from our little experiments at home. We had only avocado and this delicious sourdough bread from The Bearded Baker.  The results were great and we instantly have fallen in love with it. It is so simple yet delicious. Raw Honey Avocado Sourdough Sandwich became our go-to solution for a quick and healthy lunch.


Raw Honey Avocado Sourdough Sandwich – bee weel-thy

This delicious sandwich so healthy that we don’t feel guilty even if had more than we should 😉

Honey is full of natural goodness, the same goes for avocado and olive oil. But the key ingredient, in this case, is the Mungoswells organic flour.

Did you know that the organic flour has up to 80% more nutrients than any other kind, especially the cheap store bought bleached white flour?

Ok, let’s get down to business.

Firstly you will need some good bread, and i mean GOOOOD. Not Tesco bought but from some bearded fella down at the Cannonmills :D. You really ought to check him out.

Secondly, you will need nice ripe avocado, also known as the softy. You can slice it really nice like I did or just smash the “Bee- Jesus” out of it. You see what I did there 😉

Last but not least is good old raw honey. You will find plenty different kinds here

Also we have used some quark for extra velvety texture but you can go without it. Either way.

For our photo shoot version, we have used some roasted pecans nuts and fresh cranberries for that extra burst of freshness and counterbalance for the honey sweetness, plus it was Christmas season and we wanted something nice and red.

We like bright colours as you probably have noticed by now.

We hope you will like this healthy sandwich as much as we do.

Feel free to comment and don’t forget to follow to our Facebook page. And as always… Bee well-thy


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