Wildflower Honey


The easiest way to describe wildflower honey is that most of the time it will be light and fruity.

As with all multifloral honey, there’s no real way to predict exactly what an individual jar of wildflower honey will taste like. We leave the flower selection up to the experts – our bees!



Wildflower Honey

Perhaps the best way to describe this honey is that it’s somewhat similar, but a bit stronger than, two other types of honey known for being fruity and light,  Acacia honey and Rapeseed blossom honey. As with all multifloral honey, there’s no real way to predict exactly what an individual jar of wildflower honey will taste like. We leave the flower selection up to the experts, our bees!

In very general terms, honey harvested later in the season (late summer and fall) will be a bit stronger in taste and darker in colour, simply because of the varieties of wildflowers which grow when it’s warmer. Spring and early summer batches are more likely to be lighter in both taste and colour.

This is why the colour and flavour of wildflower honey varies so wildly (puns always intended). Different plants flower at different times of the year, so the nectar collected by honey bees in May is likely to come from completely different wildflowers than the nectar the bees gather in September.

If you’ve tried our delicious honey before then let us know what you thought of them on our Instagram or Facebook!

To learn more about bees and honey please visit our blog.



Check out our YouTube channel to learn more about bees and honey

Additional information

Weight N/A

1 kg, 400 g, 120 g


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